Extra Filters

Extra Filters is a tool for filtering data on the List View by a certain time period. There is a special PeriodStruct class. User set Start and End properties via friendly PeriodStruct Property Editor, editor automatically supports a lot of commonly used time periods. Then the data will be automatically filtered.  

To see the Extra Filters in action, refer to the Main|Documents|Orders section in the Xafari Northwind demo installed with Xafari.

Windows Forms:




The date range for the filter can be defined by selecting the start date and the end date directly. Editor checks that the value Begin of interval does not exceed the value End of interval. Invalid input values are displayed in gray and user can not set them.



In addition to this method, it is possible to quickly select such periods as the current year, current quarter, current month, week, or day. It is possible to combine multiple selections.


This control also supports the use of the time period as a whole, without the need to specify the start and end dates.


In addition to the above use options, it is possible to configure the filter to extract the values related to all dates from the beginning of the specified period till the current moment.


To learn more about the PeriodStructPropertyEditor, refer to the following documents: