Web Editors Templates

The Xafari framework supplies a line of ASPx editors providing the developer with the opportunity to customize the UI of the Web application in different ways.

Before proceeding, it is recommended to review the UI Introduction topic.

The main principles and features of Web Editors Templates are the following:

  • The application developer can create a custom Web User Control for an editor, called Template. Each editor has its own default Template.
  • The developer can limit the maximum and minimum width of the default Template in the Application Model.
  • The Nested Frame Control is used to visualize the List View and supports a wide variety of Templates.
  • To design custom Templates, the developer can use two Visual Studio templates supplied by Xafari: Xafari Custom Editor Template (ASCX only) and Xafari Custom Editor Template.

To see the editors that support the Templates in action, refer to the Main|Classifiers|Warehouse section in the Northwind demo (Web app) installed with Xafari.

Warehouse List View


The editors used in the demo application are listed in the table below:

The name of the editor

The content displayed by the editor


the list of objects


the Availability property


the Category property


the Equipment property


the ExpirationDate property


the Image property


the Price property


the Weight property

Two modes are available for the end user.

View Mode


Edit Mode


By default, all user Templates are stored in the Templates directory of the Web Application project. The name of each Template matches the type of the corresponding Property Editor. Most Templates are specified in the Model Editor directly.


The Xafari framework looks for the Templates for two properties (Equipment and Price). This properties are displayed via the default Templates, and the framework looks for the required Templates in the Options|CustomTemplates|ViewItem|Resolver(Templates) node.


For more information on using Web Editors Templates, refer to the following topics: