GoogleMapPropertyEditor. Getting Started
In this lesson, you will learn how to apply the Google Maps Property Editor. Follow the steps below.
- Open an existing XAF solution or create a new one.
- Add XafariModule and XafariEditorsModule to the platform-agnostic Module Project (Module.cs | ModuleDesigner.cs).
- Add XafariWebModule and XafariEditorsWebModule to the platform-dependent ASP.NET Web Module Project (WebModule.cs | WebModuleDesigner.cs).
- Add Xafari.dll to the ASP.NET Web Module Project references.
- Prepare the data to be displayed. It is recommended to use the ClassWithGeoPoint business class. This class is implemented in the code below. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the Business objects folder of the platform-agnostic module, and choose Add | New Item. In the opened dialog, select an XPO Business Object XAF Domain Object (code only), specify ClassWithGeoPoint as the new item's name, and click Add. As a result, you will get an automatically generated ClassWithGeoPoint.cs file. Replace the automatically generated file content, as follows:
- c#
- c#(original)
using Xafari.Base;
// ...
public class ClassWithGeoPoint : BaseObject
public ClassWithGeoPoint(Session session)
: base(session)
public override void AfterConstruction()
private string title;
private string office;
public string Title
return title;
SetPropertyValue("Title", ref title, value);
public string Office
return office;
SetPropertyValue("Office", ref office, value);
public GeoPoint point
return this.GetDelayedPropertyValue<GeoPoint>("point");
this.SetPropertyValue<GeoPoint>("point", value);
using Xafari.Base;
// ...
public class ClassWithGeoPoint : BaseObject
public ClassWithGeoPoint(Session session)
: base(session)
public override void AfterConstruction()
private string title;
private string office;
public string Title
get { return title; }
set { SetPropertyValue("Title", ref title, value); }
public string Office
get { return office; }
set { SetPropertyValue("Office", ref office, value); }
public GeoPoint point
get { return this.GetDelayedPropertyValue<GeoPoint>("point"); }
set { this.SetPropertyValue<GeoPoint>("point",value); }
- Open the Module.cs file and override the RegisterEditorDescriptors method, as follows in the code below (do not forget about using Xafari.Base namespace):
- c#
- VB
protected override void RegisterEditorDescriptors(List<EditorDescriptor> editorDescriptors)
editorDescriptors.Add(new PropertyEditorDescriptor(new AliasRegistration("GeoPointPropertyEditor", typeof(GeoPoint), false)));
Protected Overrides Sub RegisterEditorDescriptors(ByVal editorDescriptors As List(Of EditorDescriptor))
editorDescriptors.Add(New PropertyEditorDescriptor(New AliasRegistration("GeoPointPropertyEditor", GetType(GeoPoint), False)))
End Sub
- Then, open WebModule.cs file and override RegisterEditorDescriptors and ExtendModelInterfaces methods, as shown below:
- c#
- VB
protected override void RegisterEditorDescriptors(List<EditorDescriptor> editorDescriptors)
editorDescriptors.Add(new PropertyEditorDescriptor(new EditorTypeRegistration("GeoPointPropertyEditor", typeof(GeoPoint), typeof(ASPxGoogleMapsPropertyEditor), true)));
public override void ExtendModelInterfaces(ModelInterfaceExtenders extenders)
extenders.Add<IModelPropertyEditor, IModelPropertyEditorWebLayout>();
extenders.Add<IModelMemberViewItem, IModelMapPropertyEditorWeb>();
Protected Overrides Sub RegisterEditorDescriptors(ByVal editorDescriptors As List(Of EditorDescriptor))
editorDescriptors.Add(New PropertyEditorDescriptor(New EditorTypeRegistration("GeoPointPropertyEditor", GetType(GeoPoint), GetType(ASPxGoogleMapsPropertyEditor), True)))
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub ExtendModelInterfaces(ByVal extenders As ModelInterfaceExtenders)
extenders.Add(Of IModelPropertyEditor, IModelPropertyEditorWebLayout)()
extenders.Add(Of IModelMemberViewItem, IModelMapPropertyEditorWeb)()
End Sub
- Add a new View Controller to the ASP.NET Web Module Project, name it GoogleMapsViewController, and modify the automatically generated file content as follows.
- c#
- VB
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates;
using System.Web.UI;
// ...
public partial class GoogleMapsViewController : ViewController
private void CallbackManager_ScriptCreating(object sender, ScriptCreatingEventArgs e)
((Page)Frame.Template).ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "mapScript", "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>");
private XafCallbackManager GetCallbackManager()
XafCallbackManager manager = null;
if (Frame != null && Frame.Template != null)
var holder = Frame.Template as ICallbackManagerHolder;
if (holder != null)
manager = holder.CallbackManager;
return manager;
private void Frame_TemplateChanging(object sender, EventArgs e)
var callbackManager = GetCallbackManager();
if (callbackManager != null)
callbackManager.ScriptCreating -= CallbackManager_ScriptCreating;
private void Frame_TemplateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var callbackManager = GetCallbackManager();
if (callbackManager != null)
callbackManager.ScriptCreating += CallbackManager_ScriptCreating;
protected override void OnFrameAssigned()
Frame.TemplateChanging += Frame_TemplateChanging;
Frame.TemplateChanged += Frame_TemplateChanged;
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates
Imports System.Web.UI
' ...
Public Partial Class GoogleMapsViewController
Inherits ViewController
Private Sub CallbackManager_ScriptCreating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ScriptCreatingEventArgs)
CType(Frame.Template, Page).ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(Page), "mapScript", "<script type=" + Chr(34) + "text/javascript" + Chr(34) + " src=" + Chr(34) + "" + Chr(34) + "></script>")
End Sub
Private Function GetCallbackManager() As XafCallbackManager
Dim manager As XafCallbackManager = Nothing
If Frame IsNot Nothing AndAlso Frame.Template IsNot Nothing Then
Dim holder = TryCast(Frame.Template, ICallbackManagerHolder)
If holder IsNot Nothing Then
manager = holder.CallbackManager
End If
End If
Return manager
End Function
Private Sub Frame_TemplateChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim callbackManager = GetCallbackManager()
If callbackManager IsNot Nothing Then
callbackManager.ScriptCreating -= CallbackManager_ScriptCreating
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Frame_TemplateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim callbackManager = GetCallbackManager()
If callbackManager IsNot Nothing Then
callbackManager.ScriptCreating += CallbackManager_ScriptCreating
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnFrameAssigned()
Frame.TemplateChanging += Frame_TemplateChanging
Frame.TemplateChanged += Frame_TemplateChanged
End Sub
End Class
The controller provides the java script required for the Google Maps.
- Run the ASP.NET application. Select the ClassWithGeoPoint item in the navigation control and click New Action. In the invoked Detail View, you can observe the Google Maps Property Editor.