Xafari.Docflow.DC Namespace

Assembly: Xafari.Docflow (in Xafari.Docflow.dll)

Name Description
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowHistory Task action history extension that allow to use it for Docflow.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowNote Docflow note. Allow to add notes to documents, tasks and other notes.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowNotesSupport Add notes collection to object.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowPlan Tasks execution by stages.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowProperty Docflow schema property. Used in documents and tasks.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowSignature Docflow document signature.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowSignatureApproval Signature approval information.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowStage Docflow stage object. Used to describe document states.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowStageSupport Describes domain component that contains docflow stages.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowStageSupportExt Obsolete. Describes domain component that contains docflow stages and it's change date.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowSystemParticipant Discribe docflow system Participant.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTask Docflow task object.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTaskCollection Domain component allow to get collection of tasks that ready for execution.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTaskRule Allow to validate Docflow document.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTaskRuleWaitSignal Allow to check signal waiting.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTasksGroup Docflow tasks group object.
msdn2017/pubinterface DocflowTasksGroupsOwner Interface allow to use tasks groups in object.
msdn2017/pubinterface IDocflowTaskBase
msdn2017/pubinterface PausedDocument Objects to store paused documents.
msdn2017/pubinterface SignalWaiting Table that contains signals waiters.

Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core Role not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core Role supported with SP1 or later; Itanium not supported)

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Framework Client Profile

Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1