Xafari.Base Namespace

Assembly: Xafari (in Xafari.dll)

Name Description
msdn2017/pubclass CreateNewValueInXafariValueManagerAttribute
msdn2017/pubclass CustomizeNodeInfoArgs<TContext>
msdn2017/pubclass GeoPoint GeoPoint is describing a marker on the map.
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static ObjectSpaceUsingExtensions Obsolete. Extend ObjectSpace usage functionality.
msdn2017/pubclass PeriodStructTypeConverter
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static SessionExtensions Obsolete. Extension methods for Session class.
msdn2017/pubclass TreeNodePersistentHelper Obsolete.
msdn2017/pubclass TreeNodePersistentHelper<TNode> Obsolete. A utility class to implement the persistence of hierarchy.
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static TypeExtensions Obsolete. Type extensions.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariValueManager
Name Description
msdn2017/pubinterface IActiveProvider Provides access to member Active.
msdn2017/pubinterface IApplicationProvider Provides access to member Application.
msdn2017/pubinterface IAsStringSupport Obsolete. This interface declares the use an As String.
msdn2017/pubinterface IAuditSupport Base interface for audit.
msdn2017/pubinterface ICodeSupport This interface declares the use a Code.
msdn2017/pubinterface ICurrentHierarchyProvider Provides support of multiple hierarchies of class.
msdn2017/pubinterface ICurrentNodeProvider
msdn2017/pubinterface ICurrentNodeProvider<T>
msdn2017/pubinterface IDescriptionSupport This interface declares the use Description.
msdn2017/pubinterface IDisplayNameSupport This interface declares the use a DisplayName.
msdn2017/pubinterface IFullNameSupport This interface declares the use a FullName.
msdn2017/pubinterface IHistoryInfo Fields for managing history info.
msdn2017/pubinterface IImageNameSupport This interface declares the use Image Name.
msdn2017/pubinterface IIndexSupport This interface declares the use Index.
msdn2017/pubinterface IIsServiceSupport This interface declares the use a Title.
msdn2017/pubinterface IModelLayerProvider
msdn2017/pubinterface IModifyDateSupport This interface declares the use modify Date.
msdn2017/pubinterface INameReadOnlySupport This interface declares the use readonly Name.
msdn2017/pubinterface INameSupport This interface declares the use Name.
msdn2017/pubinterface INameSupportExt This interface declares the use Name.
msdn2017/pubinterface INameSupportList<T> Named objects collection.
msdn2017/pubinterface INumberSupport This interface declares the use Number.
msdn2017/pubinterface IOwnerSupport This interface declares Owner property.
msdn2017/pubinterface IOwnerTypeSupport This interface declares the use an Owner Type.
msdn2017/pubinterface IPeriodDateSupport This interface declares the period.
msdn2017/pubinterface IPropertyInfo
msdn2017/pubinterface IShortNameSupport This interface declares the use Short Name.
msdn2017/pubinterface ITagsSupport This interface declares the use Tags.
msdn2017/pubinterface IThisObjectSupport Provides access to member ThisObject.
msdn2017/pubinterface ITitleSupport This interface declares the use a Title.
Name Description
msdn2017/pubstructure ActionInfo Information about executor and execution date of action.
msdn2017/pubstructure PeriodStruct
msdn2017/pubstructure RangeStruct
Name Description
msdn2017/pubenum ResultAs

Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core Role not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core Role supported with SP1 or later; Itanium not supported)

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Framework Client Profile

Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1