Xafari.BC.Commands Namespace

Assembly: Xafari.BC (in Xafari.BC.dll)

Name Description
msdn2017/pubclass CommandBase The base implementation of the command.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandExtIOBase The base implementation of the command with enhanced possibility input/output.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandParameterDescription Provides a description of the command parameter.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandParameterDescriptionEx Provides a description of the command parameter.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandPurge Deletes the objects marked as deleted from storage.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandRegistry Registry of available commands.
msdn2017/pubclass CommandShortNameAttribute Specifies a command short name.
msdn2017/pubclass DummyReader Used as a "stub".
msdn2017/pubclass DummyWriter Used as a "stub".

.NET Framework Client Profile

Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1