Xafari Namespace

Assembly: Xafari (in Xafari.dll)

Name Description
msdn2017/pubclass AdditionalModuleAttribute Obsolete. Used to declare additional modules for current module.
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static AliveTypeExtensions Obsolete. Provides extension methods to operate with entities.
msdn2017/pubclass CriteriaOperatorToStringConverter
msdn2017/pubclass CustomAddCustomMembersToTypeInfoEventArgs
msdn2017/pubclass CustomCollectDomainComponentsEventArgs
msdn2017/pubclass CustomCollectionSource<T>
msdn2017/pubclass EntityFactory Provides methods to register business entities and operate it on runtime.
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static EntityFactoryExtensions Provides extension methods to operate with entities.
msdn2017/pubclass EventSet Collection of events.
msdn2017/pubclass NotAuditedAttribute Attribute that indicates that current field, property, interface or class should not be audited.
msdn2017/pubclass S38161
msdn2017/pubclass Updater
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static ViewShortcutExtension Extend the ViewShortcut class with method BuildUrl.
msdn2017/pubclass XafApplicationEventArgs
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static XafApplicationExtensions Obsolete.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplication
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplicationContextAttribute Uses to specify XafariApplicationContext for application container assembly.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplicationHost Application host for Xaf applications.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplicationHost<TApplication> Application host for Xaf applications.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplicationModelManager
msdn2017/pubclass XafariApplicationModulesManager Obsolete.
msdn2017/pubclass msdn2017/static XafariExtensions
msdn2017/pubclass XafariModule
msdn2017/pubclass XafariMultiThreadValueManager<T> Value manager for XafariServer. Use only for dedicated mode.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariNestedNonPersistentObjectSpace
msdn2017/pubclass XafariNonPersistentObjectSpace An Object Space used to manage non-persistent objects.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariNonPersistentObjectSpaceProvider Creates the XafariNonPersistentObjectSpace Object Space.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariToolboxTabName Obsolete.
msdn2017/pubclass XafariViewShortcut Supplies key information on a View.
Name Description
msdn2017/pubinterface IAdvBanded
msdn2017/pubinterface ISecurityStrategyProvider Obsolete.
msdn2017/pubinterface ISharedApplication
msdn2017/pubinterface ITypesProvider
msdn2017/pubinterface ITypesProvider<T> Specifies that the implementor is able to return derived types from the specified type
msdn2017/pubinterface IXafariApplication
msdn2017/pubinterface IXafariModule
Name Description
msdn2017/pubstructure XafariApplicationContext Defines Xafari application context usage.
msdn2017/pubstructure XafariEditorAliases
msdn2017/pubstructure XafariTemplateContext

Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core Role not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core Role supported with SP1 or later; Itanium not supported)

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Framework Client Profile

Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1