CardListEditor. Design-Time Features

Customization in Application Model

The developer can modify a number of parameters of the ASPxCardListEditor via the Model Editor.


CardHeight and CardWidth specify the card height and width. The default values are not preset. It is possible to use the saved card values in the template:

CustomImageHeight = int.Parse(Model.CardHeight);

CardsColumns and CardsRows specify the number of cards in the row and column. The default value is 3.

Flag UsePager specifies whether to use the CardsRows value or not. If UsePager is false, then the CardsRows value is ignored, and all the elements of the list will be loaded. The default value is true.

CardTemplatePath specifies the location of the template. It is described in detail in the section below

Storing templates

There are twoo ways to store ASPxCardListEditor templates.

The first way is to store the template file where you want. In this case, obviously, you need to set the template location in CardTemplatePath property. For example, see Start here.

The second way is to use Xafari Templates Storage technology. It is explained in the respective chapter.
