Branches. Task-Based Help
How to customize Branches in code
Branches are a special case of Xafari Service, therefore, the Branches service has the following features:
- it is a XAF-application Singleton
- it can be activated and deactivated
- there are own specific settings
The main class is Xafari.BC.Branches.BranchesManager which is derived from the Xafari.BC.Services.XafariServiceBase<T>. To access the Branches service instance, use the following statement:
Get or set settings in the following manner:
- c#
- VB
Private Function () As Xafari.BC.Services.ServicesModelService.Instance.Model.Branches
ServiceModelService is a special service to provide interaction with the Services Model.
Branches method returns IModelBranches descendant that exposes the all Branches settings.